Commercial Development
Do you have a commercial development project? If so, RINDT could save you thousands or even millions of dollars in earthwork and environmental costs. How much depends on the size of your project.
One Source for Commercial Development Projects
RINDT civil engineers can assist you with your next commercial development project. Our knowledgeable civil engineers and environmental experts can identify, and systematically narrow down, the possible pitfalls for new land development. Specifically, we can help with everything up to 5 feet from the interface point outside the building.
Types of Commercial Development Projects
Our commercial development projects start with environmental due diligence and continue through the award to the commercial contractor. Our projects include:
- Modifications – If you can imagine it, we can probably design it. Our commercial development civil engineers love what they do, and their passion shows in the quality of their work.
- Civil Site Development Plans – RINDT civil engineers can help you think through the alternatives and evaluate different sites. Additionally, we perform property due diligence, concept designs, and ROM budgets.
- Land Development – Our engineers perform a comprehensive commercial development study of the land terrain through 3D conceptual modeling, saving millions of dollars in earthwork and environmental costs. Land development projects include plans and designs for all of your proposed site features.
- Due Diligence – RINDT tests for known or suspected pollution, including soil contamination due to hazardous waste. We also research records of previous permits and reporting hazards.
- Permitting – RINDT Environmental Specialists can help you identify permit requirements, obtain permit coverage, and assist in your compliance.
- Utilities – Our civil engineers can help you plan and design sanitary sewer collection, water distribution, gas services, power, communications, and other utilities that may be needed at your facility.
- Wastewater Treatment – RINDT’s award-winning engineer design/build experts, specialize in wastewater treatment systems.
Most importantly, we assign a single point of contact for all your projects regardless of how many projects you have with us.
What’s Next?
If you have a move, expansion, or modification project, get RINDT commercial development civil engineers involved as soon as possible. We can also talk to you about your options, put together a complimentary conceptual design, and help you in your internal discussions. Click below to get connected with one of our seasoned engineers.